See Lyle in action, come learn, have fun, see turning the easy way. Its all about the fun, enjoy your time at the lathe.
All you need to do is download the free Zoom app and join the Zoom meeting.
If you are looking for a top-of-the-line lathe, Lyle Jamieson can help. As an authorized ROBUST lathe dealer, Lyle Jamieson can guide you through the advantages of choosing a ROBUST lathe. Contact us for detailed information and make an informed decision for your woodturning needs.
Please Call for more information: 231-947-2348
"Thank you very much for the excellent experience I had at the tutorial in your studio last month. Besides being great fun I appreciate the incredible refinement the training had on my woodturning skills. I now have more control than I every thought possible. This is particularly significant because of the tremor in my right hand. As a direct result of your method I approach the most difficult tasks with the utmost confidence. Last week, I used your laser-guided boring bar for turning a 13″ x 7″ vase to a consistent 1/8 inch wall thickness through a 2 inch opening, impossible to do with my old procedure"
~ Dan Brannif, Ontario, Canada
"Thanks again for the class, I thought it was a fantastic class. You are a super teacher. I’m still in awe of the simplicity and utility of the laser gadget. I appreciated the simple explanations of why one gets catches or end grain tear-out and the reasoning behind the rules to avoid these problems. Knowing the “whys” makes it more meaningful. "
~ Bob Chiavarini, Virginia Beach, VA
"It still amazes me that innovators in the field (like you) are willing to take the time to help others. That’s one of the things that makes woodturning so much fun!"
~ Rodney Sheets, Covington, Georgia
"…I wanted to express my appreciation for the inspiration that you gave me while here. The slide show and your personal accounts of life experiences with art and the creation of your pieces really touched me. I was moved by what you hope to accomplish with the bold statements about the oppression of women throughout history. You opened up a window to a part of art that transcends woodturning. Your statement, ‘the universe will show you things and give you ideas. It’s up to you to act upon them, really sank in. While my experience with woodturning and woodworking is just in it’s infancy, crossing paths with masters, such as you, will very much bolster my confidence and imagination. I hope to some day accomplish the skill level and vision you show in your pieces. Who knows, maybe someday I will be fortunate enough to obtain a Lyle Jamison original torso. Better yet, create one of my own!"
~ Bill Elliott, Fort Worth, TX
"You taught me many things in your class but the most valuable to me was your ability to show me how to understand and present the tools to the grain direction. I have read books and watched many a video and they don’t equal hands on experience with a teacher that knows what he’s doing. Now, I frequently start off with the 220 yellow paper and go to the finer grits without doing any power sanding. When I tell other turners that I do this they look at me like I’m crazy but it’s quite a rush for me not having to use the power sander."
~ Basil Kelsey, Ypsilanti, Michigan
"Thank you so very much. I was chewing away at some great wood and thinking this should be easier and more fun. With all the catalogs and the internet I began my education. I hadn’t turned a piece of wood since high school and today I’m 73 years young. Cutting Edge was MOST helpful and convinced me to try your hollowing tool. I did. A whole new world. Went back for the laser. Like a kid in the candy store. Can’t get enough. I can’t believe the segmented bowls I’m turning — amazing. Thanks for creating the tool that made it all fun again."
~ Richard E. Erickson, Santa Barbara, California
"The reason I am able to do these Art Shows is that it is FUN, thanks largely to you and your instruction and encouragement. You taught (and continue to teach) us how to turn safely, easily and therefore funly (I know, no such word, but you get the idea). And you are right, when it’s safe, easy and fun, the creative juices start flowing."
~ Whit Ballantine, Traverse City, Michigan
"I realized you were not only a turner but also a sculptor, par excellence! To say that I enjoyed your seminar would be the understatement of the year. I was ‘blown away’ and I want to thank you for allowing me to watch you work."
~ Harry Velick, Oak Park, Michigan
Lyle started exploring both woodworking and turning at an early age under his father’s mentorship. His father’s guidance in understanding wood’s structural and artistic aspects kickstarted his journey in the woodworking field.
Developing a style both innovative and technically challenging, Lyle soon channeled his creative energies and desire to refine his technique into turning the human form. This endeavor required a multi-axis approach, diverging from traditional single-axis methods. These efforts culminated in the creation of the Jamieson Hollow Form Turning System.
Today, as an accomplished wood turning teacher Lyle resides in a beautiful corner of northern Michigan…
Made in the USA, the Signature Jamieson Grind Bowl Gouge is manufactured exclusively for Lyle and his students.
The Jamieson Hollow Form Turning System allows for more safety and in-control hollowing that is fun, too.
Accurate, fast, and fun! Lasers help measure hollow form wall thickness. Using a Laser Measuring System will change the way you turn.
Stay up to date on the latest woodturning tools and woodturning classes near you.
Lyle Jamieson turns a calabash bowl from the essence of a maple crotch using a bowl gouge and glue block method. Explore more about bowl wood turning.